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Mac OS X

To enable automatic installs and upgrades using FTPS

  • mkdir wp-content/upgrade
  • chmod g+w wp-content/{upgrade,plugins}
  • Edit wp-config.php and add:
    • define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

For more information, see:

To create a local WordPress mirror

See http://codex.wordpress.org/MacOS_X_Local_Mirror

To upgrade WordPress


  1. cd gets you to the parent of the httpdocs directory
  2. wordpress directories are named wordpress-version, e.g. wordpress-2.3.3
  3. httpdocs is a symlink to the current wordpress directory

To upgrade:

  1. cd
  2. wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip
  3. unzip latest.zip
  4. rm latest.zip
  5. mv wordpress wordpres-newversion (e.g. 2.3.3)
  6. mysqldump database name of blog > database name of blog.sql
  7. Update the file wp-files-to-preserve to include all files and directories you want to or must keep. Create it if it does not exist. Typical, it includes:
    • .htaccess
    • favicon.ico
    • wp-config.php
    • wp-content/plugins
    • wp-content/themes
    • wp-content/uploads
    • wp-includes/languages
  8. cd wordpress-oldversion (e.g. 2.3.1)
  9. find `cat ../wp-files-to-preserve` | cpio -pdvlm ../wordpress-newversion
  10. cd ..
  11. rm httpdocs
  12. ln -s wordpress-newversion httpdocs
  13. Browse wesbite/wp-admin/upgrade.php (normally, this will happen automatically)
  14. Reactivate all plugin-ins

And you're done.