Main Page

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Revision as of 20:40, 17 April 2006 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Cheetah project

The Wizard, the Rabbit and the Treasurer

First conceptual notes on the WizardRabbitTreasurer.


Overall AardRockPlanning for AardRock, Serengeti, Cheetah, CHE, Conscious Company.


* CheetahUserManual
* Story Overview
* DesignThoughts
* Technology & Platform Choices
* DiabetesSoftware on other software solutions that assist in managing diabetes


* People
* Meetings (agendas, minutes; in Dutch)
* Absences and holidays (in Dutch)

Meta / Tools

* Subversion
* Eclipse
* Maven
* ProgrammeerAfspraken
* GraphicalUserInterface
* Targetgroup research
* CodeQuality
* Wiki
* Bugtracking

Cheetah background information and inspiration

* project description.
* PijnlozePancreas about the brief about interaction design and usability (in Dutch).
* WholeCarerather than health care.
* Kevin Kelly's Rules for the New Economy als inspiratiebron voor aanstekelijke business en co-creatie; met name hoofdstuk 9: Tech
* Collective Intelligence
* A compact vision of co-intelligence
* Intelligence in Social Insects
* And Smart Mobs, Swarm Intelligence are key words in this area as well of course.
* TheorieGlucoseBepaling


* Since Cheetah is intended for a global audience, all text will be in English by default.
* Selected parts will be localized when needed. E.g. Press Releases in both English and Dutch.
* Software needs to be [wiki:Internationalization Internationalized] (I18N) right from the start, and localized on demand from the market (L10N).

Development Sprints

Development sprints typically take a week. During the weekly meeting we will:

* Acceptance test any completed stories.
* Address and decide on any issues, problems and questions.
* Select and prioritize stories for the next sprint.