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''What are the possible applications of chitosan?''
· Chitosan can be used for water treatment. Chitosan forms a combine with proteins, but in a way that recovery of proteins and chitosan is possible after use. This way chitosan can be used to remove metals from polluted water or it can be used for the clarification of wine, beer, juice etc. A membrane made out of chitosan can be used as a water softener.
· Chitosan can also be processed in paper. The paper will be antibacterial and extra solid so it can be used in the foodindustry as packing material. In this way, chitosan can also be processed in textile and even in food, all because off its antimicrobal quality.
· In the textile-industry chitosan is very popular because chitosan improves the textile qualities. Cotton becomes more crease-resistent and colours can be put on easier and stay visible longer.
· Chitosan can also be used for medical applications. It can be used as a bandage of as ointment for wounds, wich makes the wound to heal faster and better (it helps to prevent scars). Chitosan has a mild affinity to human tissue. Therefore it can be used as artificial skin or as suture thread.
· Drugs- and cosmetics industry are also interested in chitosan for its capabilities as moisture retention. It can be used in cosmetics, for hair care or for skin care.
· Chitosan is often thougt to be able to combine to fat, therefore it is quite popular in dietary industry.
· Chitosan can be used as oil in (industial) machines.

Revision as of 16:36, 16 December 2006

photo (cc)Phil Hilfiker

Team Christelijk Gymnasium Utrecht


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